Introducing the Boston Authors Club
Discovery Award: 

Young Adult Contest


The contest is open to participants who live within New England and who have not had a book traditionally published. Authors of self-published books, other venues (magazines or journals), or other genres (adult fiction or nonfiction) are eligible. Only unagented manuscripts will be considered. 

Contest Rules

  • Submissions are limited to ONE excerpt per person, which may be either non-fiction or fiction. Text only, no illustrations. Please submit up to 25 pages of your manuscript

  • No contact information should appear on the actual manuscript.

  • Please include a separate cover letter with the author’s name, address, and phone number in the upper left corner. Author may include a brief bio and description of the story in this letter as well. 

  • Convert both documents (story and cover letter) into two separate PDF files. Attach the PDF files to an email to Please put "YA Discovery Award Submission" in the subject line.

  • A submission fee of $25 per manuscript is required; scroll down to submit payment.

  • Excerpts accepted from January 1, 2022 to March 1, 2022 (11:59pm EST) only. The top five full manuscripts will be requested in April 2022, to be received by May 1, 2022 (11:59 pm EST) for further consideration.

  • Winners will be notified by phone and email by the end of August 2022.


First Place and Second Place winners will receive:

  • their choice of a manuscript critique with agent Heather Cashman (Storm Literary Agency) or author Francisco Stork OR a conversation with author Erica Ferencik

  • a one year membership to the Boston Authors Club (BAC)

  • a feature interview in the BAC newsletter

  • recognition at the Julia Ward Howe Award Celebration.

The Third Place winner will receive:

  • a one year membership to the BAC

  • a mention in the newsletter

  • recognition at the Julia Ward Howe Award Celebration.

Discovery Award Fee

Disclaimer: Authors retain all rights to their manuscripts. All decisions made by the judges regarding the winners are final. No contest entries or fees will be returned. By submitting, authors are agreeing to all the contest rules. 


Email with “YA Discovery Award Submission” in the subject line:

  • ONE young adult manuscript (as a PDF)

  • Cover letter with author’s name, address, and phone number (as a PDF)