Peter Johnson
About Peter
Peter Johnson, is a professor Emeritus at Providence College where he still occasionally teaches. He is founder and editor of The Prose Poem: An International Journal, and has written seven books of poetry, four young adult novels, three middle grade novels, two books of short stories, one book of essays. He also has edited three anthologies. His prose poetry and fiction have been awarded a National Endowment of the Arts Fellowship and two Rhode Island Council on the Arts Fellowships. His second book of prose poems received the James Laughlin Award from The Academy of American Poets, which honors what the Academy considers to be the “best second book of poems by an American poet.” His most recent books are: While the Undertaker Sleeps: Collected and New Prose Poems (2023); Old Man Howling at the Moon (poetry, 2018); A Cast-iron Aeroplane That Can Actually Fly: Commentaries from 80 Contemporary American Poets on Their Prose Poetry (editor, 2019); Truths, Falsehoods, and a Wee Bit of Honesty: A Short Primer on the Prose Poem, with Selected Letters from Russell Edson (essays, 2020); and Dreaming Awake: New Contemporary Prose Poetry from the US, UK, and Australia (editor, Peter Johnson, 2022). You can find his books, along with interviews with him and other information about him at and